Monday, February 28, 2011

Adding a little flavor, flav!

Hello all,

If you or someone you know and love has been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you may be challenged when it comes to preparing meals that are low in salt.

First let me suggest that you look at the labels of all the processed foods in your pantry, fridge and freezer.  If the sodium content of the items you have is above 300 mg sodium, then you may want to consider donating those items to your local food bank.  I suggest 300 mg because the body does need some salt in order to maintain it's processes ( I won't bore you with the technical term, but if you want to know it contact me).

I once had a friend who was so stressed out about his hereditary high blood pressure that he would confide to me that he just didn't know how to grocery shop anymore.  So one day I went with him and I suggested frozen vegetables to him, he was amazed that not only did they not contain salt, they were at that time less expensive than canned vegetables.  Now I do maintain that fresh is better, but fresh can be very expensive (and although we're certainly worth the extra expense, sometimes it is just not in the budget) unless you catch fresh produce on sale at your local supermarket, or have access to a local farmers market.

I also suggest getting rid of the Lawry's Seasoning Salt, the garlic salt, and any other seasoning you have in the pantry that has salt in it.  Below is a link to Eat where you will find a few useful tips on how to season your food without salt.

Another good seasoning idea is fresh herbs.  If you have a sunny window sill, and a green thumb you can grow your own basil, oregano, dill and other herbs that you can use to season your food.  The basil doesn't even have to go in dirt, just put it in some water in a clear glass container and nature will do the rest.

Another thing that someone with high blood pressure needs to do is exercise.  You may be saying "but I can't afford a gym membership right now"  and that is fine, cause walking is free and it can be done anywhere.  So grab your favorite music playing electronic device and head out to explore your neighborhood.  If its raining walk around the mall, just leave your wallet locked safely in your trunk, so you won't spend any money.  Be inventive with your exercise.  If you love to dance, put on your favorite dance music, your favorite dancing shoes and shake what your mama gave you around the house for 15 - 20 minutes.  It is cardio at its best!

All I can do is make suggestions, the rest is up to you, but I'd love to hear from you about how you've taken my suggestions and made them your own!

So have a magnificent day, I look forward to hearing from you!

Much love,


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