Saturday, July 23, 2011

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Hello All,

Okay, so it's summer time and hot as all get out in most of the country.  During this time of the year a lot of  folks tend to eat a lot more sandwiches or foods involving bread, because it is easier to make a sandwich than prepare a full on meal.  Now this is just my opinion, I don't have any exact facts to back up this statement, I'm just guessing here.

Anyway, I want to tell you about a little experiment I'm doing.  I gave up regular bread.  I thought this would be really hard, because I love bread! So, what I did was switch from regular bread (I like Pepperidge Farm, Oatmeal) to English Muffins and Whole Wheat Pita Bread.  So in the morning when I want some toast, I have an english muffin (whole grain or cinnamon raisin), when I want a sandwich, I use Pita bread, and I've actually lost a little weight. I even changed the type of crackers I eat.  I changed the crackers because I was wondering why I seemed to be so addicted to Ritz Crackers (the low sodium ones).  I'd be up late at night, feeling a little hungry and I'd grab some crackers.  Or if I was eating a salad, I'd have some crackers, but usually more than I needed to eat.

Now, I realize that there is an ad campaign saying that high fructose corn syrup is fine in moderation, and that may be true, however, what I have found by doing this little experiment is that my cravings for sweets has subsided quite a bit since I stopped eating regular bread.  I've cut out a lot of unnecessary sugars, at least as much as possible and I don't even crave chocolate!  I know something must be wrong with me, LOL.  Because I love dark chocolate, and for the last month or so, I did not crave it, and therefore did not eat it.  That has changed a little, as I've had some chocolate TCBY recently, and a Hagen-Das Coffee Chocolate Almond Pop, but otherwise, I've been good! 

All I'm saying is that perhaps if you do a little experiment of your own, read the labels on the foods you buy to see if they have sugar and high fructose corn syrup (one or both).  See if you can find a reasonable substitute that you'll enjoy as much and see if you lose a few pounds.  I'm only talking about a few pounds here, not a major weight loss, but any poundage gone is a good thing, don't you agree?!

Well ciao for now and stay cool!!!!

Much love to each and every one of you,


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